ExecSearch International - Australia

ExecSearch International - Australia

Executive Search [+] Enhanced Performance


How to Save $380,000

(Or 380,000 Reasons to Assess Before Hiring)©

$300,000--- that’s the cost of a hiring mistake or a failed promotion.

For senior executives it’s even higher:  4 times their remuneration package.

Since psychometric assessments (not mere testing) are 4 times more accurate than interviews when it comes to predicting a person's success at work, you reduce your risk and ‘save’ $300,000 when you assess before hiring or promoting.

Plus, do you know:

Answer:  employing people.

Added together, that makes 380,000 reasons to assess people before hiring or promoting them.

The Hare and the Tortoise (....85 Years Later)

Some people still argue that psychological testing has little validation.

Yeah, like gravity has little validation!

Here are the facts:

Psychometric assessments are 4 times more accurate than interviews when it comes to predicting a person's success at work.

Here’s proof:

More than 231 studies in both the USA and Europe, over 85 years, confirm that psychometric assessment consistently predicts job performance extremely well:

Here's the catch:  psychometrics predict performance accurately but not perfectly.

Plus you need a skilled consultant interpreting the results (like us, for example).

Sometimes the tortoise beats the hare.

But smart money always rides on the hare.

And the smartest money buys ExecSearch Executive Assessments©.